Tremco SX302 Moisture Tolerant Latex Underlayment



  • May accept foot traffic after approximately 90 minutes
  • Moisture tolerant for use under surface damp proof membranes
  • Protein free – suitable for use in biologically sensitive areas
  • Extremely low odour with no unpleasant ammonia smell
  • Easy to mix and apply and a smooth surface is produced



Tremco SX302 Latex Underlayment is a moisture tolerant cement based latex underlayment. Tremco SX302 Latex Underlayment has been developed for use in  domestic, light commercial and light  industrial environments as an  underlayment, prior to application  of carpet, wood and vinyl flooring.

Part A: Grey powder; Part B: White liquid

Part A: 22 kg plastic lined reinforced paper sack; Part B: 4.3 kg polythene jerry can

Application Thickness; 1 – 10 mm

All aspects of the installation must be in accordance with the requirements of BS 8204, BS 8203 (Installation of Resilient Floor Coverings) or BS 5325 (Installation of Textile Floor Coverings) and supplementary specifications. Declaration of Performance SX302-20140702

Priming No primer is necessary for absorbent surfaces unless particularly dusty. Use CS150 Acrylic Primer on porous
surfaces and CS100 Epoxy Primer on non-porous surfaces.

Additional information


Single Bags, Half Pallet x 24 Bags, Full Pallet x 48 Bags



Tremco at Screed Warehouse specialise in manufacturing reliable waterproofing solutions, including flat roofing systems and flooring products.
Tremco Construction Products

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