RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar – 25Kg Bag



SKU 103081514315133414 Categories ,

Pre-packed polymer modified concrete repair mortar
2-Part [Powder & Gauging Liquid]

  • Waterproof
  • High compressive strength
  • Excellent long term durability
  • Suitable for structural and cosmetic repairs



RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar – Pre-packed and polymer modified

RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar – Pre-packed and polymer modified. RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar is a prepacked, ready to use mortar for concrete repair and is used with Ronacrete Standard Primer which gives monolithic adhesion to all correctly prepared surfaces. RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar is used to repair and replace concrete damaged as a result of spalling through reinforcement corrosion, freeze/thaw cycling, impact or other damage.

RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar is a general purpose British Board of Agreément approved prepacked concrete repair mortar for repairing concrete and protecting reinforcing steel. The repair mortar will have “at least the life of the surrounding concrete” (BBA Cert. 90/2421), is suitable for structural repairs and is waterproof, frost proof and very durable.


RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar can be used in most weather conditions and in a wide temperature range, typically from +3°C to 25°C and above;.Note that at high ambient temperatures the working time of the mix will be reduced; it will be increased at lower temperatures. Ideally store materials between 10oC and 20oC before use.


All concrete identified for removal must be removed back to a suitable substrate which is sound and stable and strong enough to accept the mortar. Reinforcing steel in the repair area must be exposed, and concrete cut back along the length of the steel to expose clean uncorroded steel. Loose rust and scale must be removed. Cut around the periphery of spalled areas to a minimum depth of 6mm at 90° to avoid dished edged and feather edged repairs. Remove concrete around steel to allow not less than 15mm of repair mortar to be placed around the steel. Corroded steel must be replaced where necessary. All removal of concrete and steel must be carried out in accordance with the specifiers recommendations. All surfaces must be cleaned to remove all loose dust, debris and surface contamination which may prevent adhesion of repair mortar to concrete and steel. Water used must be clean and of potable quality. When repairing chloride contaminated concrete any exposed reinforcing steel must be grit blasted or similarly prepared back to bright, uncorroded steel. Following preparation of concrete and steel, thoroughly damp all concrete surfaces to be repaired. Remove any standing water.


Mix and brush apply Ronacrete Standard Primer to the steel and allow to become tacky, not dry. When priming coat on steel is tacky, brush a single coat of Ronacete Standard Primer on to the damp concrete and apply a second coat on to the steel. Ensure that the first priming coat applied to the steel is not removed during the application of the second coat. The concrete repair mortar must be applied on to the wet or tacky primer before the primer dries. If the primer dries it must be thoroughly scarified and reapplied.


Mix RonaBond Concrete Repair Mortar in a forced action mixer (eg. Creteangle or Baron pan mixer) or mix single pack mixes with a slow speed 1kw drill fitted with an MR4 type paddle. Do not use a free fall mixer. Add all of the supplied gauging liquid to the mixer or mixing vessel, commence mixing and gradually add the powder component for approximately 3 minutes, until components are fully dispersed.


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25Kg Bag, 5 x 25Kg Bags, 10 x 25Kg Bags, 15 x 25Kg Bags, 20 x 25Kg Bags



Ronacrete at Screed Warehouse are a manufacturer of specialist construction materials including Concrete Repair, Resin Flooring, Resin Bound Surfacing and Screeds.
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