Tremco SX100 Renovation Screed



  • Fast application and minimum down time
  • Can be pumped up to 2000 m² per day
  • Contains special fibres to give excellent crack resistance
  • Protein free
  • Suitable for laying over existing floor finishes such as tiles or flooring grade mastic asphalt
  • Suitable with underfloor heating systems (minimum cover of 25 mm over pipes)




Tremco SX100 Renovation Screed is a fibre reinforced, self-levelling flooring compound for interior applications.


Designed for application to existing floors prior to the application of floor coveringsnincluding: vinyl, carpets, ceramic tiles,nwood, etc.
Colour; Grey powder
Packaging; 25 kg plastic lined reinforced paper sack
Standards; All aspects of the installation must be in accordance with the requirements of BS 8204, BS 8203 (Installation of Resilient Floor Coverings) or BS 5325 (Installation of Textile Floor Coverings) and supplementary specifications.

Declaration of Performance; SX100-20180215 Moisture Testing (in accordance with British Standards 8203) Suitable for application on substrates
with <75 % RH. It is recommended that a moisture test is conducted prior to the application of SX100. For further details or to arrange for a moisture test please contact  Tremco CPG UK Limited Technical Services.

Protective Equipment

Use Tremco SX100 Renovation Screed in well ventilated conditions and ensure all recommended protective equipment is worn during handling & use of this product. For full recommendation, refer to safety data sheet.


Ensure all surfaces to be coated are  clean, dry, frost free and free from  grease, oil, dirt, dust, loose friable  material and any other contaminants (coating, laitance, etc).

Protective Equipment
Use Tremco SX100 Renovation Screed in well ventilated conditions and ensure all recommended protective equipment is worn during handling & use of this product. For full recommendation, refer to safety data sheet.
Ensure all surfaces to be coated are clean, dry, frost free and free from grease, oil, dirt, dust, loose friable material and any other contaminants(coating, laitance, etc).

Additional information


Individual Bag, Half Pallet of 20 x 25Kg Bags, Full Pallet of 40 x 25Kg Bags



Tremco at Screed Warehouse specialise in manufacturing reliable waterproofing solutions, including flat roofing systems and flooring products.
Tremco Construction Products

Technical Information